Well it looks like spring might actually be here! It's time to clean up winter's debris and make way for green grass and summer flowers. I'm not sure if I like this transition period each year. Sure it's nice that I can feel the warm weather coming but at the same time it just looks so dirty. If you live in an area where winter brings alot of snow you know what I mean. In Port Perry alot of sand is used on the roads over the winter. This is to minimize and avoid unwanted salt in Lake Scugog. Usually the first sign of spring namely temperature change is a bit of teaser. This week is supposed to be very warm and mostly sunny (a great March Break) but I know that between now and April 9 (my birthday) we will get snow again. It usually snows on my birthday (I'm coming up to my 46th); it may not stay but it flies! I can count on one hand the number of years that it has not
The boulevard at the end of my front lawn is approximately an inch deep with sand. For those of you who prefer centimetres that would be 2.5 of them. Personally I prefer inches even though I live in Canada and we use the metric system. It's funny how during the winter we get storm warnings with 5cm of snow. It doesn't sound like so much when it's 2 inches. I always think that's funny "Oh no! 2-5 centimetres of snow! Get out the tire chains!". Or learn to drive on 1-2 inches of snow!! That's another pet peeve of mine. People who panic and do dumb things in the snow. If you've ever been to Port Perry you know how scary the Ridges can be in a snowstorm. It's actually not so much the Ridges as it is the people driving them! Don't break going down the slippery hill. Creep over the top and let your vehicle coast down and you will be a okay!
On the subject of the Ridges, they are the highest point in Durham region and can give you some interesting weather this time of the year. A couple of weeks ago I drove home in a snowstorm. When I got to the ridges because of the temperature change there was also fog. This is not a good combination for driving! Sadly in the spring and summer driving can be dangerous here too but mainly due to people passing when they shouldn't and in general just not paying attention.
Anyway back to Spring. It's the time of rebirth. The trees start to bud and the spring bulbs poke their heads from the ground. The grass begins to come back to life. It's an amazing time of year. It makes you feel alive and full of hope and anticipation. Soon my lilac bushes will be in full bloom with their glorious scent wafting in my windows! That's when I will know that spring has truly arrived.
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